With all the stress of Christmas, work, Christmas shopping and constantly visiting relatives before Christmas I never really get any time alone to relax, and I know I won’t be the only one either. I love soaking in a hot bubble bath what’s better than having some relaxing me time and what’s better than relaxing with a rescue mask which is perfect for stressed out skin. It’s deep-cleansing, calming and it reduces redness and what would anyone else ask for perfect for dry skin especially in the winter. I will definitely be buying a pot of this as the reviews from previous buyers are amazing! As one of them said, ‘as part of the no nonsense Eve Lom range this is quite simply the best mask I have ever used, it brings balance to irritated, red and break-out prone skin. Use with eve-lom cleanser for simply perfect skin’ How could I resist? How could any of you resist? So come on Ladies (and gentlemen I don’t judge!!), treat yourself in an amazing buy which will make your skin perfect and clear for the winter weather!
Love Alex x