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Ingredients in Focus: Hemp Extract & CBD Oil

Ingredients in Focus: Hemp Extract & CBD Oil
Writer and expert5 years ago
View Melissa's profile

At Beauty Expert, we love discovering new skincare trends. In 2019, it's been all about Hemp Skincare and CBD Oil, from new product launches to existing bestsellers already utilising this wonder extract. In this dedicated guide, we look into the benefits of Hemp extract and outline some of the best Hemp skincare products to add to your beauty collection.

What is Hemp Skincare?

Hemp seed oil is a powerful skincare ingredient that is ideal for replenishing moisture and smoothing the skin surface. It's rich in omegas 3, 6 and 9, which work in harmony with other skincare ingredients such as Coconut Oil and Shea Butter. Hemp extract is non-psycho-active and safe to use in skincare formulas.

What is CBD Oil?

Cannabidiol is a chemical that is sourced from the leaves and flowers of the cannabis plant. CBD oil is also non-psycho-active, and benefits include offering anti-inflammatory action, working to reduce sebum production, and delivering anti-ageing benefits.

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    Writer and expert
    View Melissa's profile
    Life motto: 'There's no such thing as too many beauty products'