The month of February marks a special time here at Beauty Expert as we celebrate the month of love through our #BEloved campaign. Helping you to feel beautiful from the inside out, we believe that happiness and confidence are the prettiest things you can wear. With the exciting arrival of Rituals Cosmetics, there’s no better brand to help celebrate feeling wonderfully beautiful. Having a passion to transform our daily routines into more meaningful moments, the brand certainly know a thing or two when it comes to enriching both the body and soul.
Infused with a scent of India Rose and Sweet Almond Oil, the philosophy behind the Rituals Ayurveda collection has been based on restoring inner harmony; cleansing and nurturing your body and soul. Find inner harmony with the Ayurveda collection and beauty will come naturally…
Ritual of Ayurveda...

Ayurveda is Sanskrit and is a combination of the words Ayus, meaning life, and Veda, which means science; think of it as ‘the science of life’. Ayurveda is based on the principles of finding harmony and balance between mind, body and soul. The main focus is preventing disease and maintaining vitality and health by following recommendations specific to your type; these recommendations offer insight into the ideal routine of proper diet, lifestyle, behaviour and state of mind. Ridding our systems of both physical and spiritual toxins is an important part of the practice. And when our body and soul are in the right balance, we can be the best version of ourselves.
Six ways to embrace Ayurveda in your everyday life:
Start your day with a glass of honey water Stir a teaspoon of organic honey into a glass of still water. Honey and water help eliminate toxins from your system.
Massage in the morning When you wake, massage your skin with our Ayurveda body oil. Massages improve circulation, stimulate the internal organs and help to relax body, mind and soul. Shower afterwards and you’re good to face the day!
Take a walk in nature Walking is one of the best forms of exercise. It provides mental, physical and emotional peace without putting stress on your body.
Eat according to your constitution Use healthy herbs and spices like fresh ginger, turmeric, garlic, cumin seeds and black pepper in your cooking as much as possible. According to Ayurveda, these spices have beneficial properties that aid digestion, protect vital organs and trigger the body’s metabolism.
Sleep well Your body and mind need time to rejuvenate and to detoxify – sleeping is the best way to achieve this. Promote restful sleep by taking a warm, relaxing bath before bedtime.
Meditate Disconnect yourself from the outside world by taking a break. Sit down and close your eyes for just a few minutes, or download our app for a guided meditation session.