Expert Advice

Body Brushing with Elemis

Expert Advice

Body Brushing with Elemis

Body brush like a pro with expert tips from Elemis!

2016-05-12 17:22:28By Kerry Courtney

Dry vs. Dehydrated Skin

Expert Advice

Dry vs. Dehydrated Skin

Knowing whether you have dry or dehydrated skin is so important! Read on to determine your skin type, including the symptoms and tips for keeping your skin healthy and hydrated.

2016-03-21 15:37:49By Kerry Courtney

#ExpertHour - Twitter Chat: Winter Skincare

Expert Advice

#ExpertHour - Twitter Chat: Winter Skincare

We recently hosted our second #ExpertHour Twitter chat with our fabulous on-site Pharmacist Hira Malik! Hira was able to answer many of our skincare concerns, specifically addressing winter skincare issues.

2015-11-05 15:15:09By Kerry Courtney

Skincare #ExpertHour  - The Twitter Chat Round Up

Expert Advice

Skincare #ExpertHour - The Twitter Chat Round Up

We recently hosted an #ExpertHour Twitter chat with resident Pharmacist Hira Malik. Here are the best bits!

2015-09-23 15:03:59By Kerry Courtney