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Ingredient in Focus: Ferulic Acid

Ingredient in Focus: Ferulic Acid
Writer and expert6 years ago
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The Power of Ferulic Acid

With an array of skincare antioxidants to select from, the choice can be overwhelming. The newest addition to our skincare repertoire is Ferulic Acid. Often paired with

Vitamin C



, Ferulic Acid is the anti-ageing hero ingredient that delivers multiple benefits to the skin.

What is Ferulic Acid?

Ferulic Acid is an antioxidant that occurs naturally in cell walls of plants and in certain fruit seeds, helping to protect and nurture. In skincare, Ferulic Acid delivers daily defence against environmental aggressors and boosting cell regeneration. Further benefits include slowing down the signs of premature ageing and actively promoting brightness. As the perfect base formula for your skincare cocktail, Ferulic Acid stabilises and enhances the efficacy of active ingredients such as Retinol and Vitamin C.

Discover the

Best Order to Apply Skincare

in our dedicated guide. 

What are the Best Ferulic Acid Skincare Products?

    Discover our full range of skincare at Beauty Expert.




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    Writer and expert
    View Melissa's profile
    Life motto: 'There's no such thing as too many beauty products'